Domino is a generic gaming device, like dice or playing cards, that can be used to play a variety of games. One of the most common activities involves domino toppling, in which a domino is set up and then knocked over by a nudge from another domino. Dominos are also popular in domino shows, where builders compete to create the most elaborate and imaginative domino effects and reactions for a live audience of fans.
Dominos is a popular game for all ages, but it can be especially fun for kids. Children enjoy setting up a line of dominoes and then flicking them to make the entire chain fall, one tile at a time. It’s a great way for kids to learn about balance, gravity, and cause and effect. The name Domino is associated with a masterful spirit that keeps an eye on advantageous opportunities and is careful not to take unnecessary risks. A domino-savvy leader always knows the impact of each move.
The word domino comes from the Latin dominus, meaning “lord.” This name is an apt one for a business that thrives on careful planning and thoughtful execution. Dominos is a company that understands the importance of balancing risk and reward, as well as keeping customers happy. The corporation has a strong focus on technology, with half of its workers working in software analytics. This focus on technology has been a key to its success.
Traditionally, dominoes are scored by placing matching end-to-end tiles so that their exposed ends total a number divisible by five or three (i.e., one’s touching each other or three’s touching two’s). Players then score points for each domino that lands on the exposed ends of those already played. A player may also win points for a domino chain that spans more than one row, and scores extra for each “double” or other special tile.
In addition to scoring, dominoes can be used to block opponents’ play and score points in blocking games. Other types of domino games are based on skill and strategy, including drawing and counting the dots on each side of a domino. Most domino games are designed for two or more players, but some, such as bergen and muggins, can be played with just one person.
Dominoes are more powerful than you might think, at least when it comes to creating a chain reaction. A 1983 study by a University of British Columbia physicist demonstrated that a domino has enough potential energy to push something about one-and-a-half times its size. As a result, it’s not uncommon for domino chains to include hundreds or even thousands of pieces that all topple with the nudge of just one.
When Hevesh builds her mind-blowing domino installations, she follows a version of the engineering design process. She first considers the theme or purpose of the installation and brainstorms images or words that might relate to it. She then makes test versions of each section before putting it all together. This approach allows her to make precise corrections in case a section doesn’t work the way she intended.